Did you know?

Glenshaw Public Library: The oldest free library west of the Alleghenies!


The Glenshaw Public Library was established in 1895 by Reverend J.T.R. Currie of the Glenshaw Valley Presbyterian Church. The Reverend selected and catalogued all books and served as the library’s first librarian. Community and church members collected and donated books and raised money that was used to buy new books and pay the librarian’s salary. The library quickly outgrew the space and in 1905 it moved from the church to the first floor of the “White Elephant” (which is the building that currently serves as the Glenshaw Public Library.

The “White Elephant” was originally erected by a fraternal organization of Glenshaw residents who used the building for disreputable purposes. Local residents, unhappy with these events, formed the Glenshaw Hall Association and purchased the property in 1895. During that time the building hosted several businesses, including a paper hanger, bakery, gown shop, and confectionary. When the library moved to the first floor in 1905, the second floor of the building was used for club meetings, plays and dances.

In 1913, the library moved to the Building and Loan Room in the rear of the I.W. Edgar Building, which was being used as a grocery store. While there, Miss Mary Simmons was the librarian from 1913-1938. During her tenure, she sold the first train ticket in Glenshaw. The library remained there until 1924, when it moved back to the present location. In 1944, the Lower Glenshaw Association purchased the White Elephant and the Glenshaw Public Library received its permanent location. For years afterward, on Fridays the children in the school across the street would be sent over to select and take books back to read in class.


Hours & Location



1504 Butler Plank Road, Glenshaw, PA 15116

(Current) Hours of Operation

Tuesdays 5 pm - 7 pm
Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm


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